at the north pole
Shrinkage of Northern Sea Ice
Sea ice at the North Pole is rapidly dwindling.
GeoTIFFs from the National Snow & Ice Data Center (NSIDC), Sea Ice Index, Sept. 1980-2020
The average extent of northern sea ice has changed dramatically since 1980
as seen in the corresponding figure.
This is consistent with rising global temperatures, both atmospheric and
This also directly contributes to rising sea levels, which in turn leads to flooding and
higher likelihood of hurricane formation.
GeoTIFF files of September sea ice extent every 5 years were obtained from the
NSIDC, polygonized with
QGIS, and further manipulated
mapshaper to return files in
geoJSON format.
Hover over the sea ice (depicted in white)
to view the numerical measure of the area. The interactive globe can also be dragged and
zoomed out.